Editorial: President Wilson’s Fourteen Points


President Woodrow Wilson recently gave his speech about the necessary actions for peace for the world, especially for the nations in Europe. I strongly support his beliefs that there should be no restrictions on trade in the seas. This will make it safer for Americans and everyone else to travel around the world and trade with other nations. If the United States can establish its democratic roots in those nations at war in Europe, then all conflict can be resolved. I also support the idea that there should be no more trade restrictions because the United States would be able to trade with everyone equally and because we are already a more economically powerful nation. The United States has not invested as much money as the European nations in the war or sacrificed its land for it to be blown to pieces during battle. Meaning, that we can export more and sell more to the European nations because they have no place to grow their food so they need to get it from us. If  peace is restored to Europe then we would not have to engage ourselves in anymore costly wars. I am fully supportive of President Wilson and his plans for peace outside the United States.


By Alex Knight  

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